A routine investigation into a broken toilet handle at an Aspen Park retail complex quickly sank into an ominous cesspool of mystery and suspicion. According to the property manager, public access to the center’s foyer bathrooms is necessary to provide for the relief of distressed audiences at a nearby community theater. On examination, the deputy concluded that the otherwise undamaged lever merely fell off, and suggested she simply apply some glue to the problem. The manager rejected that explanation on the grounds that the stool’s manufacturer had provided strong assurances that its toilet handles “just don’t fall off.” The real culprit, she said, is an unidentified and ill-defined “murder suspect” who slips in at night and creeps about in the ceiling, leaving disorder and annoyance in his wake. Detecting a serious lack of focus in her narrative, the deputy proposed that tenants noticing irregularities call JCSO for assistance. But the tenants won’t call, objected the manager, because “they don’t think things could happen to them.” Unable to flush out a suspect, the officer washed his hands of the case.
Category Archives: Small-time Crime
Eye-witless accounts prove justice is blind
A concerned shopper called JCSO dispatch on July 13 to report a speeding blue pickup truck “intentionally trying to run people over” in the Bergen Park grocery store parking lot. According to the man’s statement, he was so alarmed by the pickup driver’s wanton disregard for the general health and welfare that he’d deliberately blocked the careening vehicle with his Lexus, at which the driver shot him a rude gesture and raced unsafely away to points unknown. Both the complainant and a store employee described the menacing motorist as “an elderly man” perhaps “80 years old.” When located, the driver turned out to be a somewhat more youthful person of the female persuasion, who quickly guessed that the officer was acting at the behest of “the lady in the Lexus.” She maintained she hadn’t been trying to run down anybody and, convinced that “the lady” had cut her off because “she” drove a Lexus and felt superior to the truck-driving classes, she’d responded appropriately by inserting her index finger – not middle finger – into her nose in protest, and departing quickly to avoid further confrontation. Perceiving credibility gaps on both ends and in the middle, the deputy closed the case.
Chretien de Troyes would have approved
When a woman who’d rented a truck from an Industrial Way business hadn’t returned the vehicle by the contracted date of June 30, the owner called to say that the truck was already re-rented and, if she didn’t have it back on site by 8 a.m. on July 1, there could be charges aplenty. Fortunately, the woman did return the truck by the stated time. Unfortunately, she brought along a chivalrous friend, who gallantly castigated the businessman, saying “that’s not how you treat a woman.” In response, the White Knight told deputies, the truck’s owner “got in my face,” though the altercation remained entirely verbal. Later, to deputies, Mr. Knight said that, as an MMA (Mixed Martial Artist), he could easily have cleaned the businessman’s clock, but chose not to. Before riding his steed into the sunset, Mr. Mixed closed his own account at the business, and the deputy closed the case. When contacted, the woman was matter-of-fact. “Bottom line, I misunderstood,” she said. “My time is valuable.”
Don’t text angry
EVERGREEN – Why can’t people confine their hate speech to chat rooms, where it belongs? At about midnight on July 16, a young lady on Manitoba Drive summoned a sheriff’s deputy to complain of toxic texts messages on her cell phone. The day before, said Gentle Flower, she’d terminated her once-amicable relationship with Former Friend, which apparently induced Former Friend’s steadfast supporters, Interloper and Buttinski, to send Gentle Flower hateful texts like “you’re such a piece of (odiferous refuse) for treating her this way.” When contacted by deputies, Interloper said Gentle Flower had repeatedly phoned Former Friend, calling her “pathetic” and worse, which prompted her to text in her buddy’s defense. For his part, Buttinski admitted sending Gentle Flower angry texts, but said her unconscionable treatment of Former Friend necessitated a strong response, and anyway, Gentle Flower had fired back with some salty phone messages of her own. Likely exhausted and dealing with a crippling stress headache, the officer made all parties promise to never text each other again.
Disrespecting Boundaries
What’s certain is that, on the morning of June 28, a Spruce Road resident stood at the edge of his property contemplating the retaining wall he planned to move 4 feet to the east. He was joined by his neighbor, who possessed a fundamentally different interpretation of their respective property lines. What happened next depends on who you ask. According to the complainant, his neighbor started poking him in the chest and shoving him with both hands. The way the neighbor remembers it, the complainant began chest-butting him, which made him feel like “kicking his (assignation).” Just in the nick of time, the complainant’s pregnant wife physically inserted herself between the quarrelsome pair, authorities were summoned, and peace returned to the valley. Imbued with the spirit of détente, the complainant decided not to press charges. The neighbor, his heart aflame with empathy and good will, said he just wanted to “get on with his life,” and promised to “keep to himself.” Moved by such strong currents of universal brotherhood, the deputy closed the case.
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