Let me ease your burden

Returning to my desk one day
Encountered I a wee surprise
Upon the blotter sweetly lay
A candy heart before my eyes
HEY YOU it smiled, in letters red
A cheerful greeting, certainly
But what the morsel left unsaid
Was just who left it there for me
How wonderful! A secret friend
Anonymous and passing kind,
To thus my flagging spirit tend
And gently ease my weary mind.
For two days I did marinate
In fragrant broth of friendship true,
Ere word came from my candy-mate
In compressed sugar ME & YOU.
“Indeed,” thought I. “we noble pair,
United in camaraderie.”
But then SWEET LOVE ‘peared on my chair
And things went downhill rapidly.
Who was this amatory boor
Pursuing me with candied guile?
What awful passions lay in store?
What tooth decaying mash-notes vile?
When tasty KISS ME hit my desk
I filed a beef with Personnel.
BE MINE struck me as so grotesque
I called the state police, as well.
Made every day a horror show.
ALL MINE and MISS YOU crossed the line,
And on their heels XOXO.
These days the office is a place
Of sniffing dogs and rent-a-cops.
My colleagues hate me to my face,
And still sweet torment never stops.
CALL ME a BABY if you will,
But ASK ME if I’ll see this through,
And to myself BE TRUE until
I find out who’s CRAZY 4 U.

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